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Survival! A Critter Cam Check!

Survival! A Critter Cam Check!

2019 has been harsh by any standard. We've gone from snowstorm to snowstorm, to bitter cold and back to snow for nearly two months now. And while we know our…

Mink or Fisher?

Mink or Fisher?

It's Critter Cam time again. Although we checked this camera just last weekend, the captures go back to last winter as you can see. It's pretty clear that this critter…

Marijuana Check-in!

Marijuana Check-in!

I totally get it, being out in nature, hanging out at your campsite... just chillin'. The photo above was caught on one of our "Critter Cams" and as you can…

Woodchucks or Groundhog?

Woodchucks or Groundhog?

On one of our Devil's Lake State Park, critter cams all we've been capturing lately is a woodchuck crossing a stream on a log. Now, let's be fair... Who couldn't…

Coyote Love Is In The Air

Coyote Love Is In The Air

Love is in the air for Devil's Lake State Park's coyote population. Now through early March coyotes will be finding mates and starting new families throughout the park. As far…

Get (Almost) Outside!

Get (Almost) Outside!

If you're stuck inside or simply can't get to the park right now, how about a virtual visit? We're regularly posting a variety of videos on the Skillet Creek Media…

It’s Procyon Lotor!

It’s Procyon Lotor!

Time to check in on our 'Critter Cams'! Well, one anyway! It's been a weird season with few predators or even deer for that matter. What's the message when over…



When mom's away, the kits will play! To me, there is no better experience than to spend time with the wildlife that call Devil's Lake State Park home. Normally, when…

Mammals of Devil’s Lake State Park

Mammals of Devil’s Lake State Park

One rainy day on one of our Skillet Creek Critter Cams! What kind of animals can you see at Devil’s Lake State Park? Most likely to see: White-tailed DeerRaccoonRed foxCoyoteAmerican…

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