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On one of our Devil’s Lake State Park, critter cams all we’ve been capturing lately is a woodchuck crossing a stream on a log. Now, let’s be fair… Who couldn’t watch that all day!? Here are some things you may not know about this critter that calls Devil’s Lake State Park home.

  1. Woodchuck and Groundhog are just 2 names for the same thing! In fact, they have lots of names including ground pigs, land badgers, weenusk, red monks, and whistle pigs!
  2. Woodchucks are Marmots. Low-land marmots actually, because other marmots such as the yellow-bellied and hoary marmots live in mountainous areas. And when it comes to whistling, Woodchucks got nothing on the hoary marmots!
  3. Woodchucks/Groundhogs hibernate and when they do, their body temperature can drop to 37f! Their heart rate drops from 80 beats a minute to 5bpm!
  4. A woodchuck’s top speed is about 8 mph… which is why they have to be cautious.. they don’t outrun much!
  5. Woodchucks live in burrows in the ground… (Ah, “groundhogs”!) They will burrow up to 6 feet deep! Their burrows can reach 30 feet or more in length with 2 or more entrances. (That’s moving nearly 3 tons of dirt!)

Oh, and yeah, there’s that whole seeing their shadow thing… which may or may not work… ;)

Check the links below for lots more “chuck facts”

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