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Devil's Lake Storm

A severe thunderstorm rolled through Wisconsin last evening bringing strong winds and heavy rains to parts of the state. Here at Devil’s Lake State Park, the arrival of the storm was a sight to behold…

Shelf Cloud (Above) – Here’s the shelf cloud over Devil’s Lake Tuesday evening. What’s a “shelf cloud” here’s a great video from storm chaser, Reed Timmer:

Straight-line winds usually rush in right as the shelf is overhead. Suddenly waves rise up from calm water. You saw that in the video we posted last evening.

Then the heavy rains begin to fall. Here the sky darkens over south shore and east bluff as the skies open and the rain comes down.

A quick jump over to Roznos Meadow and we can see the colors of the sunset outside of the storm.

Sheet Lightning is a term used to describe clouds illuminated by lightning where the actual “bolt” is either inside the clouds or below the horizon. Here it was pretty much overhead. This shot was also taken near the Roznos Meadow Trail, which is part of the Ice Age Trail.


Luckily it seems this storm passed without causing much damage within the park other than some downed trees and branches.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. My son and I used to camp pretty regular up there back in the day. We weathered some real beauts over the years. We’d get rained on at least one day every other time we camped (at least, that’s the way it seemed). Folks down at the shop got to askin if we were campin so they could plan their weekend accordingly. Good times…

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