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Get (Almost) Outside!

Get (Almost) Outside!

If you're stuck inside or simply can't get to the park right now, how about a virtual visit? We're regularly posting a variety of videos on the Skillet Creek Media…

It’s Procyon Lotor!

It’s Procyon Lotor!

Time to check in on our 'Critter Cams'! Well, one anyway! It's been a weird season with few predators or even deer for that matter. What's the message when over…

The Kids Are Growing Up!

The Kids Are Growing Up!

The older Great Blue Heron chicks are now beginning to leave the nest, and more will soon follow. Before long, the heron rookery located at Devil's Lake State Park's south…

The Weekend. June 14,15,16.

The Weekend. June 14,15,16.

Let's take a look at what's up this weekend at Devil's Lake State Park and beyond.. Oh, and don't forget, Sunday is Father's Day... (No slippers, please!) Weather We're looking…



When mom's away, the kits will play! To me, there is no better experience than to spend time with the wildlife that call Devil's Lake State Park home. Normally, when…

Wildlife and Birdwatching at Devil’s Lake

Wildlife and Birdwatching at Devil’s Lake

Peregrine falcon at Devil's Lake State Park. Devil's Lake State Park is home to about 38 species of mammals, 115 species of birds, and many species of amphibians and reptiles…

Mammals of Devil’s Lake State Park

Mammals of Devil’s Lake State Park

One rainy day on one of our Skillet Creek Critter Cams! What kind of animals can you see at Devil’s Lake State Park? Most likely to see: White-tailed DeerRaccoonRed foxCoyoteAmerican…



It suddenly feels like winter is upon us, some may want to hibernate indoors for the season. But holing up for months tends to take a toll on our mood…

What’s Up With All The Downed Trees?

What’s Up With All The Downed Trees?

As we hike and drive through the forests of Devil’s Lake State Park, we’re surrounded by the majesty of towering trees, many of which are now struggling to survive. In…

Track IDs, A Ready Made Scavenger Hunt.

Track IDs, A Ready Made Scavenger Hunt.

The trick to getting outside for parents is not just keeping the kids warm, but keeping them occupied as well! Animal tracks in the fresh snow provide a ready-made scavenger…

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