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Madison Audubon Goose Pond Sanctuary

Madison Audubon’s Goose Pond Sanctuary is located about 30 minutes south of the Baraboo Hills near Arlington, Wisconsin and is one of the area’s premiere birding destinations. In fact, now is a great time to check it out.

For the first timer, Goose Pond seems rather underwhelming. It’s simply 2 ponds, (Or muddy, marshy areas depending on water levels.) divided by a country road surrounded by a vast open area of nearly barren, windy, farmland. Still, one can imagine a time when this divided pothole and the cornfields (once prairie) beyond, had attracted oceans of migrating birds. Today more than 250 species of birds still find this last protected remnant of wetland and the small, restored prairies near by.

Tundra Swans
Tundra Swans

As I said, this is not a “beauty spot”, you come for the wildlife who seem to have accepted the passing trains and working farms. Once you pull up alongside the road or turn into Prairie Lane where there is a small viewing area, you can usually expect to be amazed by large numbers of waterfowl, especially during peak migration seasons.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

During the winter months, it’s also worth visiting the area on the look out for Snowy Owls. We’ve been able to see a few over the years, such as the one above.

Northern shoveler stretches its wings!
Northern shoveler stretches its wings!

Now, you don’t have to be a hardcore “birder” to enjoy Goose Pond. Just stop, look and enjoy. If nothing is there, you’ll know it right away and off you go! Usually though, you’ll find plenty to watch, even if it’s just Canada geese and coots. (And who doesn’t like watching coots??)

American Coot
American Coot

The great part for many folks is that you can simply pull over and stay in your car if you wish. (In fact, that’s often the better choice anyway!). The easy access and generally good number of birds makes this a great first “birding” experience for kids as well.

Busy skies at Goose Pond!
Busy skies at Goose Pond!

I would recommend a good pair of binoculars and a camera with a zoom. If you do decide to get out of your car, it would be best that you do that over at the viewing area set up on Prairie Lane. Definitely stay on the gravel areas. Oh, and this time of year, bring a coat, hat and gloves. The wind can get bitter as it blows across the open fields.

Good Luck!

For more photos from Goose Pond, other wildlife and natural areas visit our Pinterest page right here.

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