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Raccoon on South Bluff

Sometimes the hike out to our Devil’s Lake State Park “Critter Cams” is quite the workout! But it’s worth it!

This week we pulled a camera that’s spent the whole summer deep in the wilds of the park. There were over 1000 photos on the card! Well, I’m not even close to done sorting them, but here are just a few shots that stood out at first glance! Remember, you can click on them to see the larger pic!

An Owl Hits The Surface… But did it catch anything?
A Deer Goes Snorkeling!
A Great Blue Heron slips in from the side!
Mama Trash Panda brings the little one down to the water!
A serious coyote!

Critter cams are always a great opportunity to remember that Devil’s Lake State Park is home to a vast community of wildlife. The crowds, the traffic, the trash, the noise, and even the light we make at this very busy park can’t help but have a negative impact on the critters that call the park home. We can’t help but wonder where they stand on the park’s priority list? Wildlife numbers are declining around the world and we should be taking note.

For past Critter Cam photographs and videos click here.

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