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New Parking lot as seen from the top of the East Bluff

I originally brought up the issue of the new parking lot(s) when readers started asking me what that “scar, hole, construction zone” was right under Devil’s Doorway last spring. I was as surprised as anyone when I first went out to look. 

Thanks to Susan Endres at Baraboo News Republic for picking up on this and digging a bit for a recent news article. While we all have opinions about the added parking lots, my primary hope/concern is that park lovers and the community as a whole can be better informed when projects have the potential to impact the environment or visitor experience at Devil’s Lake. Communication is often not required by law per se, but it’s good customer service and helps avoid a lot of strife and misunderstanding.

A similar experience happened earlier this spring when trees were being cut down all over the park. I got lots of angry, concerned feedback. After a bit of research, I learned that the trees were all being removed due to Emerald Ash Borer and got that information out ASAP. There was really no choice for the park. Blame the bugs! Thing is, had this information been posted right away through mailing lists, current conditions posts, local press releases and social media, a whole bunch of worry and anger could have been avoided. I think what a lot of folks don’t realize is that when there are questions and answers aren’t shared elsewhere, many folks ask me to look into it. It should be easier for everyone.

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