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crowded swimming beach

It’s the time of year when all of us who are involved in tourism and recreation start really ramping up for the new season. For most of us, it’s like getting ready to have the whole family visit for the holidays. There’s a lot of work to do, refrigerators to be filled, spare bedrooms to clean, and beds to make. And just like that holiday gathering, we know that it gets a bit loud and crowded and we tend to get under each other’s feet. That’s life.

One of the things I love personally is meeting with like-minded business owners and organizations who look at the summer season the same way, with joy, anticipation, and the stress of knowing that we have a lot of work to do to be good hosts this summer.

We all need money to live and tourism dollars are important to our community, so we have no patience for those who disparage our guests. At the same time, we have little respect for those who want visitors to just leave money at the door and go home. (That “all about the money” attitude burns my biscuits!) So as summer comes along and we all get a bit stressed up, we need to keep in mind that, yep, the “tourists” pay our bills… But more than that, they are our guests and we should be happy to greet them at the door of our unusually clean house. Even if we can’t help but do a little jig in the autumn when everyone goes home. 😉

So to our guests, we can’t wait to see you again! And for the rest of us, summer’s coming… Let’s get to work!

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